Senin, 16 Juli 2018

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Importance of having Work-Life Balance | Zevo Health

Work-life balance is a term used to describe the balance needed by individuals between the time allocated for work and other aspects of life. Area of ​​life other than working life may, but not be limited to personal, family and social or recreational activities. The term 'Work-Life Balance' has recently come from being first used in the United Kingdom and the United States in the late 1970s and 1980s. Recently the term has been drawn on some confusion, partly because of recent technological changes and advances that have made work and work goals possible to complete on a 24-hour cycle. The use of smartphones, email, video chat, and other technological innovations has made it possible to work without "typical business days up to 9".

According to 2010 National Health Interview Survey Occupational Health Supplement data, 16% of US workers report difficulties balancing work and family. The findings are more common among workers aged 30-44 years. For example, the reported challenge of balancing these two areas of life for non-Hispanic black workers is 19% compared to 16% for non-Hispanic white workers and 15% for Hispanic workers. Divorced or separated workers (19%) compared with married workers (16%), widows (13%), and never married workers (15%). In addition, workers who have a bachelor's degree and higher (18%) are compared with workers who have a high school diploma or G.E.D. (16%), and workers with less education than high school (15%). Workers in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and hunting industry (9%) had a lower prevalence of work-family imbalances compared with all working adults (16%). Among jobs, a higher prevalence rate of family-work imbalance was found in legal work (26%), while lower prevalence rates were observed for office workers and administrative support (14%) and agriculture, forestry and fishing jobs ( 10%).

Video Work-life balance

Identity through work

By working within an organization, employees identify, to some extent, with the organization, as part of a collective group. Organizational values, norms and interests become incorporated in self-concept as employees increase their identification with the organization. However, employees also identify with their outside role, or "their true self". Examples include: the role of parent/caregiver, identification with specific groups, religious affiliation, aligned with certain values ​​and morals, mass media, etc.

The interaction of employees with the organization, through other employees, management, customers, or others, strengthens (or refuses) the identification of employees with the organization. At the same time, employees must manage the identification of their "true self". In other words, the identity is "fragmented and constructed" through a number of interactions within and outside the organization; employees not only have one self.

Most employees not only identify with organizations, but also other aspects of their lives (family, children, religion, etc.). Sometimes this identity is parallel and sometimes not. When identity is in conflict, a healthy work-life balance can be affected. Members of the organization must do identity work so that they adapt to the area in which they undertake to avoid conflicts and stress as a result.

Maps Work-life balance

Causes of work life imbalance

There are three moderators that correlate with life-time imbalance: Gender, time spent at work, and family characteristics.

Gender differences can cause work life imbalances due to different perceptions of role identities. It has been shown that men prioritize their job duties on their family duties to provide financial support for their families, while women prioritize their family life.

Spending hours in the workplace because "inflexible, changes in work requirements, overtime or night work assignments" can lead to an imbalance between work and family tasks. It has shown "time spent at work positively correlated with both work disruption with family and family disruption with work, however, it is not related to cross-domain satisfaction" This can be due to the fact that satisfaction is a subjective measure. It is said that long working hours can be interpreted positively or negatively depending on the individual. Working long hours affects family duties, but on the other hand, there is a financial advantage accompanying this action that negates its influence on family tasks.

Family characteristics include single employer, employer married or living together, parent employer and dual income parent. Parents who are employed experience a reduction in family satisfaction due to the duties or requirements of their family. This is due to the fact that they can not complete this family task successfully. In addition, Parents' workers appreciate family-oriented activities, so working overtime reduces their ability to fulfill this identity, and, in return, reduces family satisfaction. For married couples and/or multiple incomes, it seems "not only takes more time and effort at home but also the resources for individuals to attract, both instrumentally through higher income and emotionally through increased empathy and support."

In addition to these moderators who can cause imbalances, many people expose themselves to unsolicited work stress, because they enjoy high social recognition. This aspect can also be a cause of imbalances in the sphere of life. However, other work activities may also lead to such imbalances, for example, unpaid labor such as contributions to homework and gardens, maintenance and support of family members or voluntary activities. All of this contributes to the perception of chronic lack of time. Lack of time causes stress, which is experienced differently according to the age of the individual, the age and number of children in the household, marital status, profession and employment level and income level. Strong timing pressure causes increased psychological tension, which in turn affects health. Psychological stress is also affected by the complexity of work, greater responsibility, concern for long-term existential protection and more. The stress and strains mentioned above can cause long-term irreversible signs of physical wear and negative effects on the cardiovascular system and human immunity.

Achieving Work-Life Balance as a Teacher - TeacherVision

Gender and family roles

Work-life conflict is not gender specific. According to the Center for American Progress, 90 percent of working moms and 95 percent of working fathers report family-work conflicts. However, because of social norms surrounding the role of gender, and how organizations perceive ideal workers, men and women handle the balance between work and life differently. Organizations play a big role in how their employees handle work life balance. Some companies have taken proactive steps in providing programs and initiatives to help their employees cope with work-life balance.

Work and family conflicts can be exacerbated by perceived deviations from the "ideal worker" archetype, which leads to those with a temporary role to be deemed not dedicated to the organization. This has a disproportionate impact on working mothers, who are considered less trained than women who do not have children.

Many authors believe that parents affected by work-life conflicts will reduce the number of hours a person works, where other authors suggest that parents may escape from family life or work longer hours at work. This implies that each individual views the conflict of working life differently.

Research conducted by the Kenexa Research Institute (KRI) evaluates how male and female workers feel the balance of working life and find that women are more positive than men in how they feel their company's efforts to help them balance work and life responsibilities. This report is based on an analysis of data drawn from a representative sample of 10,000 US workers surveyed through WorkTrends, an annual worker survey of KRIs. The results show a shift in women's perceptions of work life balance. In the past, women often find it more difficult to maintain balance due to competitive pressures in the workplace and demands at home.

"The last two decades have witnessed a sharp decline in the role of male providers, partly due to the increasing participation of female workers and partly by the weakening of men's absolute power due to rising unemployment and underemployment rates" says sociologist Jiping Zuo. He went on to state that "Women's growing earnings and women's commitment to labor paid along with the stagnation of men's social mobility makes some families more financially dependent on women and, as a result, the foundations of male dominance structures have been eroded."

In a recent study by the Pew Research Center, it was reported that half of the working mothers and fathers believed it was a challenge to simultaneously become professional parents. In general, men have more interest in financial benefits that require longer hours of work. Women tend to report a higher desire of flexibility between professions and home life that can allow them to be at home more often.

Perceived gender role change

Today there are many young women who do not want to just stay home and do homework, but want to have a career. Around 64% of mothers whose youngest children are under the age of six, and 77% of mothers with the youngest age of 6-17 years working in 2010, indicate that the majority of women with care responsibilities are dependent on not being able or unwilling to give up careers. While women are increasingly being represented in the workforce, they still face the challenge of balancing work and domestic life. Both domestic labor and markets compete for time and energy. "For women, the results show that only time spent on female domestic work has a significant negative impact on wages".

Many men do not see self-employment as providing their lives with full satisfaction; and want a balance between paid work and personal attachment, without being punished in the workplace. These people may want to work part-time, to spend more time with their families.

More and more men are realizing that work is not the only primary source of fulfillment of life. A new study of the role of fathers (2010) suggests that more men are looking for alternatives for their 40 working hours of the week in order to spend more time with their families. Although less work means less salary and higher stress levels, men look for flexibility just like women do. However, with an ever-changing society, flexibility becomes much clearer. "It seems that some traditional stereotypes are beginning to diminish somewhat in terms of who is responsible for caring for children," says human resources specialist Steve Moore. Traditionalism is becoming increasingly rare because of what is actually practical for every family.

Men often face unequal opportunities for family life because they are often expected to be financial supporters of the family unit, "the masculine ideal of workers unencumbered by parenting obligations built into the structure and patterns of employee benefits."

Decoding work-life balance | Kumar's Blog

Consequences of work-work imbalance


Steven L. Sauter, head of the Department of Applied Psychology and Ergonomics at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in Cincinnati, Ohio, stated that recent research has shown that "workplace has become the greatest source of stress". Michael Feuerstein, professor of clinical psychology at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences at Bethesda Naval Hospital, said "seeing a greater increase in occupational neuroskeletal disorders than stress combinations and ergonomic stressors". Seventy-five to ninety percent of visiting physicians are associated with stress and, according to the American Institute of Stress, the industry's cost estimate is $ 200 billion - $ 300 billion per year.

Problems caused by stress have become a major concern for both employers and employees. Symptoms of stress are manifested both physiologically and psychologically. Persistent stress can lead to cardiovascular disease, sexual health problems, weaker immune systems and frequent headaches, stiff muscles, or back pain. It can also lead to poor coping skills, irritation, fatigue, insecurity, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. Stress can also perpetuate or cause binge eating, smoking, and alcohol consumption.

The feeling that just working hard is not enough to be recognized by many other American workers. "To move forward, a seventy-hour workweek is a new standard, a little time left between sharing relationships, children, and sleep." This increase in working hours over the last two decades means less time spent with family, friends, and communities, as well as fun activities and taking the time to grow personally and spiritually.

According to a survey conducted by the National Life Insurance Company, four out of ten US employees stated that their work was "very" or "very" depressing. Those who underwent high-pressure jobs were three times more likely than others to suffer from stress-related medical conditions and were twice as likely to quit. The study states that women, in particular, report stress related to conflict between work and family.

In this study, Work-Family Spillover and Daily Work Report and Family Stress in Adult Labor Force, the researchers found that with the increase in the number of negative spillovers from work to family, the chances of reporting stress in the family increased by 74% , and with an increase in the number of negative spillovers from families to work, the chances of reporting perceived stress at work increased by 47%. Shepherd-Banigan, Basu, Booth & amp; Harris (2016) did a resarch about how stress can cause extreme negative effects on new parents. Between trying to balance a new schedule, additional responsibilities, lack of flexibility and support can only increase the stress that potentially leads to depression for employees.

Psychoanalysts diagnose uncertainty as a dominant attitude to life in postmodern society. The pressure that society places on individuals can cause them to have an uncertain attitude. Uncertainty fails, but also fears over their own limits, not to achieve what society expects, and especially the desire for recognition in all spheres of life. In today's society, competition manifests itself in a variety of settings. For example, the appearance, work, education of children compared to the ideal staged media. This notion of perfection is due to a deep-rooted aversion to all averages; pathological pursuit of excellence. Who wants more from work, from couples, from children and from themselves can one day burn out. The individual is then confronted with the realization that perfection does not exist. Up to this date, fatigue is not a known disease. It is known that fatigue affects passionate people seeking perfection. This condition is not considered a mental illness but only severe fatigue can cause many sick days. It may benefit the term that it is a socially acceptable disease model and also, to some extent, stabilize the individual's self-esteem. According to experts in the field, individuals who withheld the following characteristics are more vulnerable to dismissal: hard workers, perfectionists, loners, gloomy and thin-skinned. Overall, they usually do not have a healthy distance to work, which causes an imbalance in working life.

Other examples related to fatigue are decision makers in government offices and upper echelons. They are not allowed to show weakness or signs of illness, as this will soon lead to doubts about their ability for further responsibility. Only 20% of managers (eg in Germany) are exercising regularly and also only 2% are always doing regular preventive medical check ups. In such a position, other priorities seem to be set and less time for regular sport. The highest priority seems to be related to work, and it leads individuals to ignore filtering as a sign of weakness. Nevertheless, fatigue syndrome seems to be increasingly popular. Nothing seems embarrassing because it shows weakness, but quite the contrary: fatigue is part of a successful career like a home for a family of role models. In other terms, linking the highest priority and the time given to work leads to higher chances for success, but also disrupting the balance between work and life. Since the description of fatigue can be "socially recognized a valuable version of depression and despair that also allows when a self-image failure is intact," he concludes that "only losers become depressed, tiredness is a diagnosis for the winner, more precisely, for the former winner. "

Although fatigue was associated with a more positive outlook, four out of five Germans complained about high levels of stress. In fact, one out of every six individuals under age 60 consume drugs against insomnia, depression or to increase energy levels, at least once a week. The saturation phases can be described first by big ambitions, then emphasis on failure, isolation and ultimately, a cynical attitude towards the employer or superior. Often, these people seem to have anxiety and depression disorders as well, which is a serious mental illness. Depression is the leading cause of nearly 10,000 cases of suicides that occur each year in Germany. The consequences of high levels of stress can lead to depression, which in turn affects the balance between work and life. For example, in Germany, early retirement due to mental illness represented 15.4 percent of all cases in 1993. In 2008, the percentage increased to 35.6 percent. The proportion of failures due to mental disorders appears to be increasing. In 2008, statisticians counted 41 million day absent associated with this crisis, which caused 3.9 billion euros in lost production costs.

How to Achieve a Work/Life Balance - Frequency Fitness

Role of technology

Recently, there has been a shift in the workplace as a result of technological advances. As Bowswell and Olson-Buchanan stated, "the more sophisticated and affordable technology makes it more feasible for employees to stay in touch with work". Employees have many methods, such as email, computers, and cell phones, allowing them to complete their work outside the physical boundaries of their offices. Employees may respond to emails or voicemails after hours or during weekends, usually when not officially "working". Researchers have found that employees who consider their job role as an important component of their identity will be more likely to apply this communication technology to work while in their non-work domain.

Some theorists claim that this vague boundary of work and life is the result of technological control. Technological control "emerges from the physical technology of an organization". In other words, companies use email and distribute smartphones to enable and encourage their employees to stay in touch with businesses even when they are not in the office. This type of control, as Barker says, replaces more direct, authoritarian, or simple controls, such as managers and bosses. As a result, communication technologies in the aspects of temporal and structural work have changed, defining "new workplaces" where employees are more connected to work outside the boundaries of traditional work days and workplaces. The more these borders are blurred, the higher work-to-life conflict is self-reported by the employee. In a recent literature review that saw the theory of technological controls show employers and employees often communicate and continue to work during "off hours" or even vacation periods. The use of this added technology creates confusion as to what the technology aims for the individual who uses it. Questions such as "does the media use work compared to non-working use media like" or "do we work more because it's easier and more accessible or because we want to work more?"

Professional employee assistance says there are many causes for this situation ranging from personal ambition and family liability pressures to the pace of technology acceleration. According to a recent study for the Center for Work-Life Policy, 1.7 million people in the United States consider their work and work hours excessive due to globalization.

How to improve your work-life balance

Increase work life balance

Responsibilities of the employer

Texas Quick, an expert witness at a corporate court accused of working hard against his employees, stated that "as people work beyond their capacity, companies pay the price." Although some entrepreneurs believe that workers should reduce their own stress by simplifying their lives and making better efforts to take care of their health, most experts feel that the main responsibility for reducing stress is management.

According to Esther M. Orioli, president of Essi Systems, a stress management consulting firm, "Traditional stress management programs place responsibility for reducing pressure on individuals rather than on organizations - where they come from. No matter how healthy individual employees are when they start, work in a dysfunctional system, they will burn. "

The balance of work-life has been addressed by some entrepreneurs and has been seen as a benefit to them. Indeed, employees report increased job satisfaction, greater job security, improved physical and mental health, reduced stress levels of work and increased control over their environment. In fact, the balance of working life benefits not only employees, but also organizations. Once work-life balance has been introduced to employees, organizations face less attendance, delay and staff turnover. In addition, there is an increased retention of valuable employees, higher employee loyalty and commitment to the organization, increased productivity and improved organizational image.

In the literature, "family-employment policy, family-friendly or family-responsive policies" is a practice intended for work-life balance. In fact, "the main way companies can help facilitate work life balance for their employees is through life-work practices, which are typically associated with flexible work and work-time reduction or family-friendly policies." According to Hartel et al., Various policies can be implemented to help manage work-life balance such as "flexible working hours, division of labor, part-time work, compressed work week, parental leave, telecommuting, on-site childcare facilities."

The study of additional Canadian professors and psychologist Yani Likongo suggests that sometimes in idiosyncratic psychological contract organizations are established between employees and their immediate supervisors to create an "informal agreement" on work-life balance. This "agreement" supports the notion of a constructivist approach, including employers and employees, based on the giving and receiving situations for both.

As of March 2011, leave allowances continue to be the most widely available benefits offered by employers in the United States, with holiday payments available to 91 percent of full time workers in private industry. Access to these benefits, however, varies according to employee characteristics and establishment. According to data from the National Compensation Survey (NCS), paid holiday benefits are available to 37 percent of part-time workers in private industry. This benefit is available to 90 percent of workers earning wages at the top 10 percent of employees and only 38 percent of workers in the lowest 10 percent of private industry wage earners. Paid sick leave is available to 75 percent of full-time workers and 27 percent of part-time workers. Access to sick leave compensation ranges from 21 percent for the lowest wage category to 87 percent for the highest wage category. These data provide comprehensive steps on compensation cost incentives and incidents and terms of employee benefit plans.

"Generally only highly skilled workers can enjoy the benefits as written in their contracts, although many professional areas will not go as far as to prevent workaholic behavior Unskilled workers almost always have to rely on minimum legal requirements, low requirements in many countries , in particular, the United States.Instead, the EU is far enough away to ensure a legal work life balance framework, for example with regard to parental leave and non-discrimination of part-time workers. "

According to Stewart Friedman - Management professor and founder director of Wharton School Leadership Program and Project Integration Work/Life - a "one size fits all" mentality in human resource management often perpetuates frustration among employees. "This is not an unusual problem in many areas of HR where, for the sake of equality, there is a standard policy that is applied in a universally applicable way - [though] everyone's lives are different and everyone needs different things in terms of how to integrate sections - Different parts, it has to be adjusted. "

Friedman's research shows that the solution lies in the work component, home, community, and self approach as a comprehensive system. Rather than taking a zero-sum approach, Total Friedman's Leadership program teaches professionals how to successfully pursue a "four-way victory" - improving performance in all parts of life.

Although employers offer many opportunities to help their employees balance work and life, this opportunity may be a twenty-two catch for some female employees. Even if the organization offers part-time options, many women will not take advantage of it because this type of arrangement is often seen as a "job deadlock".

Even with more flexible schedules, working moms choose not to work part-time because this position usually receives less interesting and challenging tasks; taking on these tasks and working part-time can hamper progress and growth. Even when the option to work part-time is available, some may not use it because they do not want to be marginalized. This feeling of marginalization may be the result of not matching the framework of "ideal worker" (see: Establishment of "ideal worker" and gender differences).

In addition, some mothers, after returning to work, experience what is called the motherly wall. Maternal wall is experienced in less desirable assignments given to returning mothers. It is also a feeling that because these women are mothers, they can not appear as "ideal workers". If an organization provides a means for moms and dads working to better balance their work-life commitments, the norms of general organization need to shift so that "ideal workers" include those who have to manage homes, children, parents, etc.

Maternity leave

Maternity leave and parental leave are on leave for pregnant women or new moms (sometimes dads) for birth and infant care. These policies vary significantly by country (on factors such as length of leave and how much money is paid). They can help create a work life balance for the family. For example, In Canada there is the Quebec Parental Insurance Program that is responsible for providing maternity, parent, and adoption allowances to the citizens of Quebec. According to the Canadian government website, the benefits of maternity are given for a maximum of 15 weeks. Both biological mothers and surrogate mothers are eligible for this benefit. Those involved can receive this benefit as early as 12 weeks before the expected due date. In addition, there is also the possibility to be paid 17 weeks after the date of birth. These benefits can be accepted by standard or extended options. The standard parental allowance differs from the expanded parental allowance in the percentage of individual average weekly earnings and the number of weeks people get paid. Indeed, the expanded rate of parental benefit is 33% of the average individual weekly earnings (for a maximum of 61 weeks) compared to 55% (for a maximum of 35 weeks) for the standard parental allowance. It is also possible for both parents to sign up for a parental allowance. Men are as likely as women to benefit from this.

However, in the United States, most states do not offer the time paid for the birth of a child. By 2015, the US is one of only three countries in the world (the other two are Papua New Guinea and Suriname) who do not pay maternity leave.

Some new mothers (and fathers) in the US will take unpaid leave, allowed by the Family and Medical Leave Act. The FMLA is entitled to eligible employees of a closed employer to take leave, jobs protected on leave for certain families and medical reasons with the continuation of group health insurance coverage under the same terms and conditions as if the employee did not take time off. Eligible employees are entitled to twelve work leave within 12 months to:

  • the birth of a child and caring for a newborn in one year of birth;
  • placements with child employees to be adopted or cared for and to care for newly placed children within one year of placement;

Some states will allow paid leave for maternity leave under the state of Temporary Damage Insurance (TDI).

At the state level, California is the first state to offer vacation allowances to its workers. While the benefits last only for 6 weeks, this is the first major step to maternity leave in the United States. New Jersey lawmakers are pushing laws that will make their state the second country to add to the benefits of this worker. Under a New Jersey proposal, workers who take leave will be paid through the country's temporary disability insurance fund, "plus a 0.1 per cent fee on weekly worker wages." Traditionally, many conservatives have opposed the payment of family leave, but there are signs that this mindset is beginning to change. Reverend Paul Schenck, a prominent member of the National Pro-Life Action Center recently stated that he will support maternity leave on the assumption that it may encourage women to follow their pregnancies rather than having an abortion. According to Heyman, "Across the political spectrum, people are aware that this policy has a huge impact on working families, if you look at the world's most competitive economy, everything except the US has this policy."

The United States is not family-oriented workplace like many other rich countries. According to a study released by Harvard and McGill University researchers in February 2007, workplace policies for families in the US are weaker than all high-income countries and even many middle- and low-income countries. Other differences include the fact that fathers are given paid paternity leave or paid parental leave in sixty-five countries; thirty-one of these countries offer at least fourteen weeks paid leave. The US does not guarantee this to fathers. (Surveys) Sweden, Denmark and Norway have the highest maternity rates - Sweden provides 68 weeks of maternity leave, Norway provides 56 weeks of maternity leave and Denmark provides 52.

The Art of a Work-Life Balance in Scientific Research | JoVE


Sexual orientation

Diversity in terms of sexual orientation is often overlooked when applying the provisions of family guidelines and agreements in company policy. Sexual minorities are often ignored in setting this policy. As a result, non-traditional family needs, consisting of couples or individuals with lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) backgrounds, are not met. Sexual stigma and prejudice exist in managing diversity and inclusion at the international level, and various contextual and social factors determine the lack of attention given to sexual minority workers. As a result, these employees may be subject to exceptions, negligence, and isolation, which have a negative effect on the balance of their working lives.

Several international studies have revealed that LGBT-enabled corporate policy enables an inclusive environment in the workplace. As a result, it brings benefits to employees and overall company performance. There is a positive relationship between LGBT-enabled policies and business-related outcomes, such as increased productivity. Decreased discriminatory behavior among employees, increased job satisfaction, and employee engagement are associated with increased economic outcomes

However, the individual experience with this type of inclusive policy varies, as there is a potential "potential loophole" between equity and diversity policies, and cross-sectoral practices, workplaces and even within the organization's premises.

Also, at the macroeconomic level, health promotion and public health policies are adapted and developed to ensure an inclusive and diversified work environment for sexual minorities. These health targets target social determinants of health and lead to improved population health and a reduction in overall costs in public health systems.


Religion and spirituality play a role in the balance of working life as they are part of the management of diversity and accommodation at work and faith-based societies in Saudi Arabia or Israel organize religious accommodation with special provisions in government laws and organizational policies. Some organizations also allow their employees to spend time spent on religious activities outside of contract hours. Religion and spirituality represent an important issue in diversity management, as the question of accommodating religion in the workplace often leads to controversial debates.

Employee religious beliefs are often associated with their ethical beliefs, and an important role in religious identity and community based in Saudi Arabia or Israel governs religious accommodation with special provisions in government laws and organizational policies. Some organizations also allow their employees to spend time spent on religious activities outside of contract hours. Thus, poor religious diversity management can affect employee performance if they feel compelled to choose between aspects of their religious identity and their work. This can also cause them to break away from the organization. Therefore, religious diversity management is essential to ensure a satisfactory work life balance for employees. The American Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that 'companies have an obligation to provide reasonable religious accommodation'.


The idea of ​​intersectionality in work-life balance involves the concept that oppression includes various interrelated elements of identity. These elements consist of race, sex, class, sexual orientation, religion, and age. Collaboration and mutual understanding of these aspects of identity requires an increase in work life balance. The intersexal perspective draws attention to the institutionalized norms, beliefs, and attitudes that trigger inequality in working life for all working individuals. Diversity and inclusion are part of a socially and politically responsible work environment (reference). As diversity in cultural and national contexts involves the recognition of intersectionality through gender, social class, and cultural beliefs related to race and ethnicity.

How to strike a healthy work life balance - 5 key elements

Global comparison

United States

According to a new study by Harvard and McGill University researchers, the United States lags far behind almost all rich countries when it comes to family-oriented workplace policies such as maternity leave, paid sick days and support for breastfeeding. Jody Heyman, founder of the Harvard-Based Project on the Global Family Working and director of the McGill's Institute for Health and Social Policy, states that, "More countries provide workplace protection that millions of Americans can only dream of.America has a proud leader in adopting the law which provide equal opportunities at work, but our work/family protection is the worst. "

This observation is being shared by many Americans today and is considered by many experts to be an indication of the current climate. However, the US Department of Labor is examining regulations that provide unpaid workers with family or medical emergencies (reviews supported by supporters of FMLA concerns may be the beginning to reduce this protection, as some business groups are asking). Senator Chris Dodd of Connecticut proposed a law that would allow workers to take paid leave for six weeks. Congress is also expected to reconsider the Family Health Act, a draft law that would require employers with at least fifteen employees to provide seven days of sickness paid per year.

At least 107 countries protect the right of women workers to breastfeed and, at least in seventy-three of them, women are paid. The United States does not have federal laws that guarantee the right of mothers to breastfeed their babies at work, but 24 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have laws relating to breastfeeding at work.

At least 134 countries have laws regulating the maximum duration of the workweek; The US has no maximum working duration and does not limit the number of overtime employees need to work every week. (survey) Sweden, Denmark and Norway have the highest maternity benefits - Sweden provides 68 weeks of maternity leave, Norway provides 56 weeks of maternity leave and Denmark provides 52.

Even when vacation time is offered in some US companies, some choose not to use it. A 2003 survey by Management Recruiter International states that fifty percent of executives surveyed have no plans for a vacation. They decide to keep working and use their vacation time to pursue their increased workload.

American workers are not legally entitled to paid holidays. However, most employers will give 10 days off from national holidays. This is one of the lowest paid total holidays in the world. Brazil has a total of 41 days off and Australia has 38 days off. It can only be assumed that not having a sufficient number of holidays for vacation/sick leave/maternity leave will affect the mental health of Americans.

Some American companies have begun to see that to improve employee efficiency, they must improve the quality of their time in the workplace and other pressures they may experience in their lives. Various companies have taken the initiative to increase employee job satisfaction drastically. Companies like 3M have introduced free stress management coaches to the workplace to help employees with their busy schedules. Google, Facebook, and Salespeople have put the area to be physically active at work and provide free meals and snacks for the workers. These companies are some of the best in terms of benefits for maternity leave and mothers. This business structure is a model that can encourage governments to raise standards across the United States.

European Union

The EU promotes initiatives on work-life balance and encourages its member states to adopt family-friendly policies. In Europe, Working Time Rules have applied a maximum of 48 working hours per week. Many countries choose fewer hours. France introduces 35 hour work hours. Contrary to the Scandinavian countries, there is no evidence of state policy that actually encourages men to take a greater share of domestic work in France, Portugal, or the UK. In 2007, the European Quality Survey of Life found that countries in southeastern Europe had the most common problems with work-life balance. In Croatia and Greece, slightly more than 70% of the working population say they are too tired to do housework at least several times a month because of work.

In the UK, legislation has been passed so as to allow parents of children under six to request more flexible work schedules. The company must approve this request as long as it does not damage the business. A 2003 graduate survey in the UK revealed that graduates appreciate flexibility even more than wages.

In all twenty-five EU countries, voters "punish" politicians who try to shrink the holidays. "Even twenty-two Estonians, Lithuanians, Poles, and Slovenians counted as their own far more generous than the leave given to US workers." According to a report by the Family and Work Institute, the average holiday time that Americans take each year averages 14.6 days.

According to Jeremy Reynolds, unions can lobby for benefits, payments, training, security measures, and additional factors that impact on the costs and benefits of working hours. "Trade unions can also have a more direct impact on clock mismatches through their efforts to change the length of working days, working weeks, and years of work, and to improve vacation and leave time." This is why workers in countries where there are strong unions usually work less and have more leave policies than workers in countries where there are weaker unions.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
