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Pope Francis's divisive papacy, explained in 5 moments - Vox
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The pope (Latin: papa from Greek: ?????? pappas , the child's word for "father"), also known as pontiff (from the Latin pontifex maximus "greatest priest") , is the Bishop of Rome and is therefore the ex officio leader of the Catholic Church worldwide. The primacy of the bishop of Rome largely derives from his role as the supposed apostolic successor to St. Peter, to whom Jesus is said to have given Heavenly Keys and "binding and losing" power, calling him the "stone" in which the church will be built. Since the 1860s, the pope has also been the head of state of the Vatican City, a fully enclosed sovereign state in Rome, Italy. The current pope is Francis, elected on March 13, 2013, replacing Benedict XVI.

The papal office is papal . The jurisdiction of his church, the Diocese of Rome, is often called the "Holy See" or "The Apostolic See", the last name based on the conviction that the bishop of Rome is the apostolic successor of St. Peter. The Pope is considered one of the most powerful men in the world because of its extensive diplomatic and cultural influence.

The papacy is one of the most enduring institutions in the world and has a prominent part in the history of the world. In ancient times, the pope helped spread Christianity, and intervened to find resolutions in various doctrinal disputes. In the Middle Ages, they played a secular important role in Western Europe, often acting as arbiters between Christian kings. Today, in addition to the expansion of Christian faith and doctrine, popes are involved in ecumenism and interreligious dialogue, charitable work, and human rights advocacy.

In some historical periods, the pope, initially lacking temporal power, possessed a wide secular power, rivaling the temporal ruler. However, in the last centuries the authority while the papacy has declined and the office now almost exclusively focuses on religious issues. On the contrary, the claims of the pope of spiritual authority have been increasingly asserted expressed all the time, culminating in 1870 with the proclamation of dogmas of papal infallibility for the rare occasions when the pope speaks ex cathedra literally "from the chair (St. Peter)" - to issued a formal definition of faith or morals.

Video Pope


Title and etymology

The word pope comes from the Greek word ?????? meaning "father". In the early centuries of Christianity, this title was applied, especially in the east, to all other senior bishops and clergy, and then protected westward to the Bishop of Rome, an official reservation made in the 11th century. The earliest record of the use of this title is in connection with the dead Alexandrian Patriarch, Pope Heraclas of Alexandria (232-248). The earliest use of the title of "pope" in English dates from the 10th century, when it was used for reference to the Vitalian Pope in the Old English translation of Bede Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum .

Position in Church

The Catholic Church teaches that the pastoral office, the Church's pastoral office, organized by the apostles, as a group or "college" with St. Peter as their head, is now held by their successors, bishops, with the bishop of Rome (pope) as their head. Thus, it derives another title where the pope is known, the "Supreme Pope".

The Catholic Church teaches that Jesus personally designates Peter as the leader of the Church, and the dogmatic constitution of the Catholic Church of Lumen gentium makes a clear distinction between apostles and bishops, presenting the latter as the successor of the former, with the Pope as Peter's successor , in that he was the head of the bishops because Peter was the head of the apostles. Some historians oppose the idea that Peter was the first bishop of Rome, noting that the episcopal in Rome can be traced back no earlier than the third century. The writings of the Church Father Irenaeus writing about AD 180 reflects the belief that Peter "established and governed" the Church in Rome. In addition, Irenaeus was not the first to write about Peter's presence in the early Roman Church. Clement of Rome wrote in a letter to the Corinthians, c. 96, about the persecution of Christians in Rome as "the struggle of our day" and presented to the Corinthian church, "first, the largest and the most columns", "good apostles" Peter and Paul. Saint Ignatius of Antioch wrote shortly after Clement and in his letter from the city of Smyrna to the Romans he said that he would not command them as did Peter and Paul. In light of this and other evidence, such as the erection of Emperor Constantine over the "Old St. Peter's Basilica" at the site of St. Peter's tomb, as it was held and given to him by the Christian Christian community, many scholars agree that Peter was martyred in Rome under Nero, experts argue that he may have been martyred in Palestine.

The New Testament gives no proof that Jesus ordained the papacy, or even that he designated Peter as the first bishop of Rome. Some theologians argue, using Peter's own words, that Christ intended himself - and not Peter - as the foundation of the church. Others argue that the church is built on Jesus and faith, but also on the disciples as the root and foundation of the church on the basis of Paul's teaching in Rome and Ephesus, though not primarily Peter.

The first-century Christian community will have a group of presbyter-bishops who function as leaders of their local churches. Gradually, episcopacies were established in metropolitan areas. Antioch might have developed such a structure before Rome. In Rome, there are many who claim to be legitimate bishops, although once again Irenaeus emphasizes the validity of a single line of bishops from the time of St. Peter to the contemporary pope of Victor I and enrolled them. Some authors claim that the appearance of a bishop in Rome may not have occurred until the middle of the second century. In their view, Linus, Cletus, and Clement may be prominent presbyters, but not necessarily monarchist bishops.

The first century and early 2nd century documents show that the bishop of Rome has some kind of excellence and excellence in the Church as a whole, as even a letter from the bishop, or patriarch, of Antioch acknowledges that the bishop of Rome is "the first among equals" although the details of what this means are unclear.

Early Christianity (about 30-325)

It seems that at first the terms "episcopos" and "presbyter" are used interchangeably. The consensus among scholars is that, at the turn of the 1st and 2nd centuries, local congregations are led by bishops and presbyters whose offices are overlapping or indistinguishable. Some say that there may be "no monarchy" in Rome before the middle of the 2nd century... and possibly later. "Other scholars and historians disagree, citing the historical records of Saint Ignatius of Antioch (d 107) and St. Irenaeus who record the succession of the Roman Pontiff (pope) until their own time and also cite the importance given to the bishops of Rome at the council ecumenical, including the beginning.

In the early Christian era, Rome and several other cities had claims about Church leadership throughout the world. James the Just, known as the "brother of God", serves as head of the Jerusalem church, who is still revered as the "Parent Church" in the Orthodox tradition. Alexandria has become a center for Jewish learning and a center for Christian learning. Rome had a large congregation at the beginning of the apostolic period that the Apostle Paul addressed in his Epistle to the Romans, and according to the tradition of Paul was martyred there.

During the 1st century the Church (c) 30-130), the Roman capital became recognized as a very important Christian center. Clement I, at the end of the 1st century, wrote a letter to the Corinthian Church to intervene in major disputes, and apologized for not taking any precedent. However, there were only a few other references at the time to acknowledge the authoritative virtues of the Roman See outside Rome. In the Ravenna Doctrine of 13 October 2007, theologians elected by the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church declare: "41. Both sides agree... that Rome, as the Church" leads in love "according to the phrase St. Ignatius of Antioch, first in the taxi, and that the bishop of Rome is protos among the patriarchs. Translated into English, the statement means "first among the equals" What form to take is still a matter of strife, just as when the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church are split in the Great East-West Schism, they also disagree on the interpretation of historical evidence from this era of the prerogative of the Roman Pontiff as protos, already understood in different ways in the first millennium. "

By the end of the 2nd century, there were more manifestations of Roman authority over other churches. In 189, the statements of the superiority of the Church of Rome can be indicated in Irenaeus's Against Heresies (3: 3: 2): "With [the Roman Church], because of its origin, all churches must agree... and it is in him that believers everywhere have retained the apostolic tradition. "In AD 195, Pope Victor I, in what was seen as an exercise of Roman authority over other churches, was ostracized by Quartodecimans to observe the Passover on 14 Nisan, the date of the Passover Jews, a tradition passed down by John the Evangelist (see the Easter controversy). The Easter celebration on Sunday, as the pope emphasizes, is a prevailing system (see computus).

Nicaea to East-West Schism (325-1054 ))

The Edict of Milan in 313 granted freedom to all religions in the Roman Empire, initiating the Peace of the Church. In 325, the First Council of Nicea condemned Arianism, declared the dogmatism of trinitarianism, and in its sixth canon recognized the special role of the Romans, Alexandrians, and Antiochists. The great Trinitarian defenders of the faith included the popes, especially the Pope Liberians, who were exiled to Berea by Constantius II because of his Tritavy faith, Damasus I, and several other bishops.

In 380, the Thessalonian Decree declares Christian Nicea to be the religion of the imperial state, under the name "Christian Catholic" provided to those who receive the faith. While civilian forces in the Eastern Roman Empire ruled the church, and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, the capital, held much power, in the Western Roman Empire, the bishops of Rome were able to consolidate the influence and power they already possessed. After the Fall of the Western Roman Empire, barbarian tribes were converted to Arian Christian Religion or Catholicism; Clovis I, the Frankish king, was the first important barbarian ruler to enter Catholicism rather than Arianism, associating himself with the papacy. Other tribes, like the Visigoths, then left Arianism for Catholicism.


After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the pope served as a source of authority and sustainability. Pope Gregory I ( c 540-604) leads the church with strict reforms. From the family of the ancient senators, Gregory worked with a harsh and disciplined judgment typical of the ancient Roman government. Theologically, it represents a shift from classical to medieval view; his popular writings are filled with dramatic miracles, powerful relics, demons, angels, ghosts, and the end of the approaching world.

The successor of Gregory is predominantly dominated by the Exarch of Ravenna, the deputy of the Byzantine emperor on the Italian Peninsula. This humiliation, the weakening of the Byzantine Empire in the face of Muslim conquests, and the inability of the emperor to protect the papal estates against the Lombards, caused Pope Stephen II to turn away from Emperor Constantine V. He appealed to the Franks to protect his subjects. landed. Short Pepin conquered Lombardy and donated Italian land to the papacy. When Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne (800) as the Roman Emperor, he established a precedent that, in Western Europe, no one would become emperor without being crowned by a pope.

The papal low point is 867-1049. This period includes Saeculum obscurum, Crescentii era, and Papulan Tusculan. The papacy is under the control of competing political factions. The popes were imprisoned, starved, killed, and overthrown. The family of an authorized papal who has not been made pope for fifty years. The official granddaughter, Pope John XII, had a revelry party at the Lateran Palace. Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor accused John in an ecclesiastical court, overthrowing him and choosing a layman as Pope Leo VIII. John mutilated representatives of the Empire in Rome and returned to pope. The conflict between the Emperor and the papacy continued, and finally the duke who allied with the emperor bought bishops and whales almost openly.

In 1049, Leo IX became pope, finally a pope with a character to deal with the papacy problem. He traveled to major cities in Europe to deal with the church's moral problems directly, especially the simony marriages and clerics and concubinage. With his long journey, he restored the papal prestige in Northern Europe.

From the seventh century it became common for European monarchs and nobles to find churches and perform the coronation or occupation of the clergy in their countries and territories, their personal interests causing corruption among scholars. This practice has become commonplace because often bishops and secular rulers are also participants in public life. To combat this and other practices that have damaged the Church between 900 and 1050, the centers appear to promote ecclesiastical reform, the most important being the Abbey of Cluny, spreading its ideals across Europe. This reform movement gained power with the election of Pope Gregory VII in 1073, which adopted a series of actions in a movement known as the Gregorian Reform, in order to fight strongly against simony and abuse of civil power and to try to restore ecclesiastical discipline, including clerical celibacy. Conflict between popes and secular autocratic rulers such as Holy Emperor Henry IV and Henry I of England, known as the Investigative Controversy, was only resolved in 1122, by Concordat Cacing, where Pope Callixtus II decided that scholars should be invested by clerical leaders , and the temporary ruler by ordinary coronation. Soon afterwards, Pope Alexander III began a reform that would lead to the formation of canon law.

Since the beginning of the 7th century, the Khilafah has conquered much of the southern Mediterranean region, and represents a threat to Christianity. In 1095, the Byzantine emperor, Alexios I Komnenos, called for military assistance from Pope Urban II in the ongoing Byzantine-Saljuk war. Urban, on the Clermont council, was called the First Crusade to help the Byzantine Empire regain the old Christian realm, especially Jerusalem.

East-West Schism to Reform (East-West_Schism_to_Reformation_ (1054-1517) " 1054-1517)

With the Eastern-Western Skyscrapers, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church were definitively split in 1054. This fracture was largely due to political events rather than by a slight difference of belief. The whales have struck the Byzantine emperors by favoring the Franks, crowned a competing Roman emperor, taking over the Exarchate of Ravenna, and driving into Greek Italy.

In the Middle Ages, the whales struggled with the king of power.

From 1309 to 1377, the pope lived not in Rome but in Avignon. The Avignon papacy is known for its greed and corruption. During this period, the pope was effectively an ally of the French Empire, alienating French enemies, such as the British Empire.

The pope is understood to have the power to exploit the Treasury of Merit built by saints and by Christ, so that he may give indulgences, reducing one's time in purgatory. The concept that fines or money donations accompanied by regret, acknowledgment, and prayer ultimately give way to the general assumption that indulgences depend on simple monetary contributions. The pope condemned misunderstanding and arbitrariness, but was too urgent to earn money to exercise effective control over indulgences.

The popes also compete with cardinals, who sometimes try to assert the authority of the Catholic Ecumenical Council over the pope. Conciliarism states that the supreme authority of the church rests with the General Council, not with the pope. The foundation was laid in the early 13th century, and culminated in the 15th century. The failure of Conciliarism to gain wide acceptance after the fifteenth century was considered a factor in the Protestant Reformation.

Antipopes challenged papal authority, especially during the Western Schism (1378-1417). In this schism, the papacy had returned to Rome from Avignon, but an antipope was installed in Avignon, as if to extend the papacy there.

The Eastern Church continued to decline with the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium), underestimating Constantinople's claim to equality with Rome. Twice the Eastern Emperor tried to force the Eastern Church to reunite with the West. First in the Second Council of Lyon (1272-1274) and second in the Council of Florence (1431-1449). The papal superiority claim is a point that arises in reunification, which fails in any event. In the 15th century, the Ottoman Empire seized Constantinople.

Reform to Present (1517 to Today)

The Protestant Reformers criticized the papacy as corrupt and marked the pope as an antichrist.

The Pope instituted the Catholic Reform (1560-1648), which discussed the challenges of the Protestant Reformation and instituted internal reform. Pope Paul III began the Council of Trent (1545-1563), whose definition of doctrine and whose reform sealed the papal victory over elements in the church seeking conciliation with Protestants and against papal claims.

Gradually forced to release secular forces, whales focus on spiritual matters.

In 1870, the First Vatican Council proclaimed the dogma of papal infallibility for the rare occasion of the pope speaking ex cathedra when issuing a solemn definition of faith or morals.

Later in the same year, Victor Emmanuel II of Italy seized Rome from the pope's control and substantially completed the unification of Italy.

In 1929, the Lateran Treaty between the Italian Empire and the Holy See established the Vatican City as an independent city state, guaranteeing papal independence from secular government.

In 1950, Pope Pius XII defined the Assumption of Mary as a dogma, the only time that a pope has spoken ex cathedra because the papal infallibility is explicitly stated.

Petrin's doctrine is still controversial as a doctrinal issue that continues to divide eastern and western churches and separate Protestants from Rome.

Maps Pope

Saint Peter and the origin of the papal office

The Catholic Church teaches that, within the Christian community, the bishops as a body have succeeded in becoming apostolic apostolic body and the bishop of Rome has succeeded St. Peter.

The biblical texts proposed to support Peter's special position in relation to the church include:

  • Matthew 16:

    I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and hell gates will not master it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be released in heaven.

  • Luke 22:

    Simon, Simon, look, Satan demands that you may filter you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you turn around again, strengthen your brothers.

  • John 21:

    Feed my sheep.

The symbolic keys in the Papal emblem are a reference to the phrase "keys of the kingdom of heaven" in these first texts. Some Protestant writers argue that the "rock" that Jesus speaks in this text is Jesus himself or the faith that Peter declared. This idea is undermined by the use of the Bible from "Cephas," which is a masculine form of "stone" in Aramaic, to describe Peter. The EncyclopÃÆ'Â|dia Britannica commented that "the consensus of the great majority of scholars today is that the most obvious and traditional understanding must be interpreted, that is, the stone refers to the person of Peter".

HBO's Young Pope, reviewed.
src: www.slate.com

Selection, death and resignation


The pope was originally chosen by a senior pastor who lived in and near Rome. In 1059 voters were restricted to the Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church, and the individual votes of all Cardinal Electors were made equal in 1179. Voters are now limited to those who have not reached 80 the day before the death or resignation of a pope. The Pope does not need to be Cardinal Elektor or even Cardinal; however, since the pope is the bishop of Rome, only those who can be ordained as eligible bishops, meaning that every Catholic baptized man qualifies. The last to be elected when not yet bishop was Pope Gregory XVI in 1831, and the last to be elected when not even a priest was Pope Leo X in 1513, and the last to be elected when not a cardinal was Pope Urban VI in 1378. If a non-bishop is elected, he or she should be given a bishop's ordination before the election is announced to the people.

The second council of Lyon was held on 7 May 1274, to organize the election of the pope. The council decided that the cardinal's electors should meet within ten days of the pope's death, and that they should remain in exile until a pope is elected; was requested by three years of sede vacante after the death of Pope Clement IV in 1268. By the mid-sixteenth century, the electoral process had evolved into its present form, allowing variation in time. between the death of the pope and the meeting of the electoral cardinals.

Traditionally, voting was done by Acclamation, by selection (by committee), or by plenary vote. Acclamation is the simplest procedure, which consists entirely of sound.

The election of the pope almost always takes place in the Sistine Chapel, in a confederated encounter called the "conclave" (so called because the electorate cardinals are theoretically locked inside, cum clave, that is, by lock, until they choose a new whales). Three cardinals were chosen by many to collect votes from absentee cardinal voters (for ill reasons), three were chosen by many to count votes, and three were chosen by many to review the number of votes. The ballot was distributed and each cardinal's electorate wrote his choice of name on it and vowed vigorously that he chose "someone under God I think should be chosen" before folding and depositing his voice on a plate over a large trophy placed on the altar. For the Pope's conclave, 2005, a special urn is used for this purpose instead of trophies and plates. The plate is then used to drop the ballot to the trophy, making it difficult for voters to include some ballot papers. Before reading, ballots count when folded; if the number of ballot papers does not match the number of voters, the ballot has not been opened and a new vote is held. Otherwise, each ballot is read by the lead cardinal, who pierces the ballot with the needle and thread, stringing all the ballots and tying the end of the string to ensure accuracy and honesty. The ballot continues until a person is selected by two-thirds majority.

One of the most prominent aspects of the papal election process is the way in which the results of the ballot are announced to the world. After the ballots were counted and tied together, they were burned in a special stove set up in the Sistine Chapel, with smoke coming out through the small chimney seen from Saint Peter's Square. Voicemail from polls that fail to burn together with chemical compounds to make black smoke, or fumata nera . (Traditionally, wet straw is used to produce black smoke, but it is not entirely reliable.Compounds are more reliable than straw.) When voting is successful, the ballots burn themselves, sending white smoke ( fumata bianca ) through a chimney and announce to the world of new pope elections. Beginning with the Pope's conclave, 2005, church bells are also sounded as a sign that a new whale has been chosen.

The Dean of the College of Cardinals then asked two serious questions from the elected cardinal. First he asked, "Are you free to accept your election as the Supreme Pope?" If he responds with the word "Accepto" , his government begins at that time. If he replied not , his government began at the inauguration ceremony a few days later. The Dean asked, "By what name will you be called?" The Pope has just announced the name of the government he has chosen. If the Dean himself is elected pope, Vice Dean performs this task.

The new pope is led through the "Watergate" to the dressing room where three sets of white papacy ( immantatio ) wait: small, medium, and large. By wearing the right robe and reappearing in the Sistine Chapel, the newly paused "Fisherman's Ring" by Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church, which he first confirmed or reconciled. The Pope considers the place of honor as the remainder of the cardinal waiting for their turn to offer their first "adoration" ( adoratio) and to receive the blessing.

Senior Cardinal Deacon announces from the balcony at St. Peter's Square the following statement: Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum! Habemus Papam! ("I am announcing to you a great joy! We have a pope!"). He announced the new Pope's Christian name along with his newly elected government.

Until 1978 the election of the pope was followed in a few days by the coronation of the Pope, which began with a procession with the splendor and extraordinary circumstances of the Sistine Chapel to St. Peter's Basilica, with the newly elected pope being born at gestatoria . After the solemn Pope's Mass, the new pope was crowned with the triregnum (tiara papal) and he gave for the first time as the famous blessed whale of Urbi et Orbi ("for the City [Rome] and to the World "). Another well-known part of the coronation is the lighting of a collection of hemp on the top of a gold pole, which will light up for a moment and then immediately extinguish, as he says, Sic transit gloria mundi ("thus passing the glory of the world" ). A similar warning to papal snobbery made on this occasion is the traditional appeal, "Annos Petri non videbis" , reminiscent of the newly crowned pope that he will not live to see his lasting rule during St. Peter. Traditionally, he led the church for 35 years and has been the longest-serving pontiff in the history of the Catholic Church.

Catholic traditionalist beliefs that have no reliable authority claim that the Papal Oath is sworn, upon their coronation, by all popes from Pope Agatho to Pope Paul VI and that it is eliminated by the abolition of the coronation ceremony.

The Latin term, sede vacante ("while the vision is empty"), refers to the papal period, the period between death or a pope's resignation and the election of his successor. From this term comes the term of sedevacantism, which points to the category of Catholic opposition that maintains that no canon canonically and legally be elected, and therefore there is sede vacante . One of the most common reasons for holding this belief is the idea that Vatican II Council reforms, and especially the Tridentin Mass reforms with Mass Paul VI, are heretics and that those responsible for starting and defending these changes are heretics and not the true whites.

For centuries, since 1378, the people who were elected to the papacy were dominated by the Italians. Before the election of Cardinal Karol Wojtyla of Poland as Pope John Paul II in 1978, the last non-Italian was Pope Adrian VI of the Netherlands, elected in 1522. John Paul II was followed by the election of the German-born Pope Benedict XVI, who in turn was followed by Argentine-born Franciscan Pope, who was the first non-European after 1272 years and the first Latin American, despite being of Italian descent.


The current ruling on papal mediation - that is, the sede vacante ("empty chair") - was enacted by Pope John Paul II in his document in 1996 Universi Dominici Gregis . During the period of the "sede vacante", the College of Cardinals was collectively responsible for the administration of the Church and the Vatican itself, under the direction of the camerlegno of the Holy Roman Church; however, canon law specifically forbids the cardinals to introduce any innovation in the government of the Church during the emptiness of the Holy See. Any decision requiring the approval of the pope should wait until the new pope is elected and assumes office.

In recent centuries, when a pope was judged to have died, it was traditionally reported to the Cardinal Camerlengo to confirm the ceremonial death by gently knocking the pope's head three times with a silver hammer, naming his birth every time. This was not done on the deaths of Pope John Paul I and John Paul II. The Cardinal Camerlengo took the Fishing Ring and cut it in half before the Cardinals. The whale's seal was damaged, to keep them out of use, and his private apartment was sealed.

The body lay in a state for a few days before being buried in the basement of a leading church or cathedral; all the dead pales in the 20th and 21st centuries have been buried in St. Peter's Basilica. Nine days of mourning ( novendialis ) followed the funeral.


It is very unusual for the pope to resign. The 1983 Kanonic Law states, "If it happens that the Roman Pontiff resigned from office, then the validity of the resignation was made freely and manifestly but not accepted by anyone." Benedict XVI, who vacated the Holy See on February 28, 2013, is the most recent to do so since Gregory XII's resignation in 1415.

Pope Francis: Catholics should care as much about the poor as ...
src: cdn.vox-cdn.com


List of official titles

The official list of papal titles, in the order in which they are given at Annuario Pontificio , is:

Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of Apostles, Supreme Leader of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan Roman Province, Vatican City State Ruler, Servant of God's servant.

The most famous title, "Pope", does not appear in the official list, but is commonly used in the title of the document, and appears, in its short form, in their signature. So Pope Paul VI signed as "Paul PP VI", "PP." stands for " papa " ("whale").

The title "Pope" comes from the beginning of the 3rd century the honorific title used for every bishop in the West. In the East, it was only used for the Bishop of Alexandria. Pope Marcellinus (d. 304) was the first bishop of Rome to be shown in sources with the title of "Pope" used for him. From the sixth century, the conquest of Constantinople usually reserved this appointment to the Bishop of Rome. From the beginning of the sixth century, it began to be confined in the West to the Bishop of Rome, a practice that was certainly present in the 11th century, when Pope Gregory VII declared that it was reserved for the Bishop of Rome.

In Eastern Christianity, where the title of "Pope" is also used by the Bishop of Alexandria, the bishop of Rome is often referred to as "the Roman pontiff", regardless of whether the speaker or the author is allied with Rome or not.

The Vicar of Jesus Christ

"The Vicar of Jesus Christ" ( Vicarius Iesu Christi ) is one of the official titles of the Pope given at Annuario Pontificio . This is usually used in a slightly abbreviated form "Vicar of Christ" ( Vicarius Christi ). Although only one of the terms with which the pope is called the "Vicar", it is "more expressive than his supreme head of the Church on Earth, which he owes to the task of Christ and with the power of representation derived from him", the representative power believed to have been given to Saint Peter when Christ said to him, "Feed my lambs... Feed my sheep" (John 21: 16-17).

The first notes of applying this title to a bishop of Rome appear in synod 495 with reference to Pope Gelasius I. But at that time, and up to the 9th century, other bishops also referred to themselves as pastors of Christ, and for another four centuries this description sometimes used for kings and even judges, for being used in the fifth and sixth centuries to refer to the Byzantine emperor. Earlier, in the 3rd century, Tertullian used the "vicar of Christ" to refer to the Holy Spirit sent by Jesus. Its use specifically for the pope appeared in the 13th century in connection with the reform of Pope Innocent III, as can be observed already in letter 1199 to Leo I, King of Armenia. Other historians claim that this title has been used in this way in relation to the papacy of Pope Eugene III (1145-1153).

The title "Vicar of Christ" is not used for the pope alone and has been used by all bishops since the early centuries. The Second Vatican Council referred to all bishops as "priests and ambassadors of Christ", and the description of these bishops was repeated by Pope John Paul II in his encyclical Utanum synonym. 95 The difference is that the bishops others are pastors of Christ for their own local churches, the pope is Christ's representative to the whole Church.

At least on one occasion the title of "God's Vicar" (reference to Christ as Lord) is used for the pope.

The title "Vicar Peter" ( Vicarius Petri ) is used only from whales, not from other bishops. The variations include: "Vicar of the Apostolic Priest" ( Vicarius Principis Apostolorum ) and "Vikar of the Apostolic See" ( Vicarius Sedis Apostolicae ). Saint Boniface describes Pope Gregory II as Peter's representative in the oath of allegiance he received in 722. In the Roman Missal today, the description of "Peter's vicar" is found also in the gathering of the Mass for a saint who is a pope.

Supreme Pope

The term "pontiff" comes from the Latin: pontifex , which literally means "bridge builder" ( pons facere ) and which designates a member of the major priests' colleges in ancient Rome. The Latin word is translated into various ancient Greek languages: like Ancient Greek: ????????????? , Ancient Greek: ????????? , Ancient Greek: ????????? , Ancient Greek: ?????????? (hierophant), or Ancient Greek: ????????? (archiereus, high priest) The head of the college is known as Pontifex Maximus (the greatest whale).

In Christian usage, pontifex appears in the Vulgate translation of the New Testament to show the High Priest of Israel (in the original Koine Greek,

The Annuario Pontificio lists as one of the official titles of the Pope that the "Great Pope of the Universal Church" (Latin: Summus Pontifex Ecclesiae Universalis ). He is also commonly referred to as the Supreme Pope or the Sovereign Pope (Latin: Summus Pontifex ).

Pontifex Maximus , is equivalent to Summus Pontifex , is a title commonly found in inscriptions on papal buildings, paintings, sculptures and coins, commonly abbreviated as "Pont. Max" or " SORE "Office Pontifex Maximus, or head of the College of Pontiffs, held by Julius Caesar and after, by the Roman emperor, until Gratian (375-383) released him. Tertullian, when he became a Montanist, used the title mockingly from the pope or Bishop of Carthage. The popes began to use this title regularly only in the 15th century.

Servant servant

Although the description of the "servant servant of God" (Latin: servus servorum Dei ) is also used by other Church leaders, including Augustine of Hippo and Benedict Nursia, was first used extensively as the title of the pope by Pope Gregory I, reported as a lesson in humility for the Patriarch of Constantinople, John the Faster, who has taken over the title of "Ecumenical Patriarch". It belonged to the pope in the 12th century and was used in papal bulls and important papal documents.

Western Patriarch

From 1863 to 2005, Annuario Pontificio also included the title "Western Patriarch". This title was first used by Pope Theodore I on 642, and was only used occasionally. Indeed, it did not begin to appear in the papal yearbook until 1863. On 22 March 2006, the Vatican released a statement explaining its disappearance on the grounds of revealing "historical and theological reality" and "useful for ecumenical dialogue". The title of the Patriarch of the West symbolizes the special relationship the pope has with, and the jurisdiction over, the Latin Church - and the removal of titles does not symbolize in any way a change in this relationship, or disrupt the relationship between the Holy See and the Eastern Churches, as conveyed solemnly by the Vatican Council II.

More titles

Another commonly used title is "His Holiness" (either used alone or as a prelude to the honor of "The Honorable Pope Francis"; and as "His Majesty" as the form of address), "Holy Father". In Spanish and Italian, "Beatémosimo/Beatissimo Padre" (Most Blessed Father) is often used in preference for "SantÃÆ'Â ± simo/Santissimo Padre" (Holy Father). In the medieval period, "Dominus Apostolicus" ("the Apostolic Lord") was also used.


Pope Francis signed several documents under his own name, either in Latin ("Franciscus", as in encyclicals dated June 29, 2013) or in other languages. Other documents he signed in accordance with the tradition of using Latin only and include, in the form of the abbreviation "PP.", Description "Papa". Whales who have ordinal numbers in their name traditionally place the abbreviation "PP." before the ordinal number, as in "Benedictus PP XVI" (Pope Benedict XVI), except in the canonization bull and the decree of the ecumenical council, signed by a pope with the formula, "Ego N. Episcopus Ecclesiae catholicae", without numbers, as in " Ego Benedictus Episcopus Ecclesiae catholicae "(I, Benedict, Bishop of the Catholic Church). The signatures of the pope are followed, in canonization bulls, by persons of all cardinals of the population in Rome, and in the decree of the ecumenical council, by the signature of other bishops who participate in the council, each signing as Bishop of a particular view.

The Pope goes to N. Episcopus Servus Servorum Dei ("Names, Bishops, Servants of the Servants of God"). In general, they were not signed by the pope, but Pope John Paul II was introduced in the mid-1980s customs that the pope signed not only the canonization bulls but also, using his normal signatures, such as "Benedictus PP XVI", the bull of bishop nomination.

Pope Francis - Pope - Biography
src: www.biography.com

Regalia and symbols

  • Triregnum , also called "tiara" or "triple crown", represents the three functions of the pope as "highest priest", "supreme teacher" and "supreme priest". However, the popes recently did not use triregnum , although it remains a papal symbol and has not been removed. In a liturgical ceremony, the pope uses an episcopal partner (an upright cloth cap).
  • The Crosier is catered for by the cross, a custom established before the 13th century (see the papal ferula).
  • Pallium, or pall, a circular band of cloth worn around the neck above the chasuble. It forms a yoke around the neck, breast and shoulders and has two pendants hanging in front and back, and decorated with six crosses. Previously, the pallium used by the pope was identical to the pallium given to primates, but in 2005, Pope Benedict XVI began using a different papal pallium larger than primates, and decorated with red crosses instead of blacks./li>
  • "Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven", a picture of two keys, one gold and one silver. The silver key symbolizes the power to bind and loose on Earth, and the golden key of power to bind and loose in Heaven.
  • Fisherman Ring, gold or gold ring emblazoned with St. Peter in a boat carrying his net, with the name of the pope around him.
  • Umbraculum (better known in Italian ) is a canopy or an umbrella consisting of alternating red and gold lines, used to be carried over whales in the procession.
  • Available gestatoria , mobile thrones brought by twelve guards ( palafrenieri ) in red uniform, accompanied by two officers carrying flabella (fans making white ostrich feathers), and sometimes a large canopy, carried by eight officers. The use of flabella was stopped by Pope John Paul I. The use of gestatoria was discontinued by Pope John Paul II.

In the emblem, every whale has its own personal symbol. Although unique to every pope, weapons have for several centuries traditionally accompanied by two keys in the saltire (ie, crossing each other so as to form X ) behind an escutcheon (shield) (one silver key and one key gold, tied with red ropes), and on it there is silver triregnum with three golden crowns and red infulae (lappets - two strips of cloth hanging from the back of the triregnum that falls on the neck and shoulders when worn). This is blazoned: "two keys in saltire or and argent, interlacing in a ring or, under tiarassed, crowned or" argument. The 21st century has seen a departure from this tradition. In 2005, Pope Benedict XVI, while maintaining a cross-lock behind the shield, removed the papal tiara from his personal emblem, replacing it with a partner with three horizontal lines. Under the shield he added the pallium, a symbol of the more ancient papal authority than the tiara, its use also given to the metropolitan archbishops as a sign of communion with the Roman Throne. Although tiara is ignored in the Pope's personal emblem, the symbols of the Holy See, which include the tiara, remain unchanged. In 2013, Pope Francis maintains a partner who replaces the tiara, but eliminates the pallium. He also departed from the papal tradition by adding under his personal pastoral motion shield: Miserando atque eligendo .

The flag most often associated with the whale is the yellow and white flag of the Vatican City, with the arm of the Holy See (glowing: "Gules, two keys in saltire or and argent, interlace in the ring or, under the tiaras, crowned or") argument on the right side ("flies") on the white part of the flag (left side - "hoist" - yellow). Escucheon whales do not appear in flags. The flag was first adopted in 1808, while the previous flag was red and gold. Although Pope Benedict XVI replaces the trilegnum with his partner in his personal emblem, it is preserved in the flag.

Papal attire

Pope Pius V (reigned 1566-1572), is often thought to have come from a custom in which whales wear white, by continuing after his election to wear the white custom of the Dominican order. In fact, the previous whale clothing was white. The earliest document that describes it like that is Ordo XIII , a ceremonial book composed around 1274. Then the ceremonial books describe the pope as wearing a red coat, mozzetta, camauro and shoes, and a white robe and stockings. Many contemporary portraits of the 15th and 16th century predecessors of Pius V show they wore white robes similar to his robes.

Sean Spicer meets Pope Francis at last - CNNPolitics
src: cdn.cnn.com

Status and authority

First Vatican Council

The status and authority of the Pope in the Catholic Church is dogmatically defined by the First Vatican Council on 18 July 1870. In the Dogmatic Constitution of Christ Church, the Council established the following canons:

If anyone says that the blessed Apostle Peter was not established by the Lord Christ as the head of all the apostles, and the visible head of the whole militant Church, or, that the same man received a great honor but did not receive from our same Lord Jesus Christ directly and immediately excellence in true and proper jurisdiction: let him be a curse.

If anyone says that it is not from the institution of Christ the Lord Himself, or by the divine right that the Blessed Peter has an eternal successor in the primacy of the universal Church, or that the Pope of Rome is not the successor of Peter blessed in virtue, let him be anathema.

If anyone speaks, that the Roman Pope has only an inspection or briefing office, but not the full and supreme authority of jurisdiction over the universal Church, not only in matters of faith and morals, but also in matters of discipline and the government of the Church spread throughout the world; or, that he has only the more important parts, but not all of this supreme power; or that his authority is unusual and direct, or above the churches as a whole and individually, and over the priests and the faithful as a whole and individually: let him be a curse. We, faithfully followed the tradition received from the beginning of the Christian faith, to the glory of God our Savior, the elevation of Catholicism and the salvation of Christians, with the approval of the sacred Council, teaches and explains that dogma has been divinely revealed: that the Pope of Rome, when he speaks ex cathedra, that is, when carrying out the duties of the pastor and teacher of all Christians by his supreme apostolic authority he defines the doctrine of faith or morals to be held by the universal Church, through the divine aid promising him in the blessed Peter, operating with the infallibility with which the divine Redeemer wishes that His church is instructed in defining the doctrine of faith and morals; and such a definition of the Roman Pontians of himself, but not of the consensus of the Church, can not be changed. But if anyone thinks contrary to our definition of this, that may be forbidden God: let him be anathema.

Second Vatican Council

In the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (1964), the Second Vatican Council declared:

Among the main tasks of the bishops, the preaching of the Gospel occupies a prominent place. For bishops is the preacher of faith, who leads the new disciples to Christ, and they are authentic teachers, that is, teachers blessed with the authority of Christ, who preach to those who are committed to those whose faith they must believe and apply; by the light of the Holy Spirit describing that faith. They bring out of the treasury the revelations of new and old things, make it fruitful and wary of warding off errors that threaten their flock. The bishops, who teach in communion with the Roman Pontiff, must be respected by all as witnesses to divine and Catholic truth. In matters of faith and morals, bishops speak in the name of Christ and who are faithful to receive their teachings and obey them with the consent of religion. This submission of the mind and the will of religion should be shown in a special way to the authentic magisterium of the Roman Pontiff, even when he does not speak ex cathedra; That is, it must be shown so that the highest magisterium is recognized with respect, the judgment made by it is sincerely obeyed, according to its real thoughts and will. His thoughts and desires in this matter can be known either from the character of the document, from his frequent repetition of the same doctrine, or from the way he speaks.

... this infallibility with which Divine Redeemer wants His Church to be blessed in defining the doctrine of faith and morals, extends as far as the surrender of Revelation extends, which must be guarded by religion and described faithfully. And this is the infallibility of which the Pope of Rome, the head of the bishop's university, enjoys in virtue of his position, when, as the supreme shepherd and teacher of all believers, who affirm his brethren in their faith, by definitive action he declared the doctrine of faith or moral. And therefore, the definition, of themselves, and not of the consent of the Church, is an indefinable style, because they are spoken with the help of the Holy Spirit, promising him in the blessed Peter, and therefore they do not require the consent of others , they also do not permit appeals to other assessments. Therefore, the Roman Pope does not say the judgment as a personal person, but as the supreme teacher of the universal Church, whose charismatic infallibility of the Church itself is present, it outlines or defends the doctrine of the Catholic faith. The promised infallibility to the Church was also in the body of the Bishops, when the body ran the supreme magisterium with Peter's successor. For these definitions, the approval of the Church would never be desired, because of the activity of the same Holy Spirit, through which all the flock of Christ was preserved and developed in the unity of faith.

On October 11, 2012, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, 60 eminent theologians, (including Hans KÃÆ'¼ng), issued the Declaration, stating that Vatican II's intention to balance authority in the Church has not been realized. "Many key insights from Vatican II are not at all, or only partially, implemented... The main source of stagnation today lies in the misunderstandings and harassment that affect the exercise of authority in our Church."

First Look at Pope Francis Starring As Himself in New Wim Wenders ...
src: s.newsweek.com

Politics of the Holy See

Housing and jurisdiction

The seat or official cathedral of the Pope is Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, and his official residence is the Apostolic Palace. He also has a summer residence at Castel Gandolfo, located on the site of the ancient city of Alba Longa. Until the papacy of Avignon, the pope's residence was the Lateran Palace, donated by the Roman emperor Constantine the Great.

The ecclesiastical ecclesiastical jurisdiction (Holy See) differs from its secular jurisdiction (Vatican City). It is the Holy See that carries out international relations; for hundreds of years, the papal court (the Roman Curia) has functioned as a government of the Catholic Church.

The names of "Holy See" and "Apostolic See" are the ecclesiastical terms for the ordinary jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome (including the Roman Curia); the pope's various awards, powers, and privileges in the Catholic Church and the international community come from the Episcopate of Rome in the linear succession of St. Peter's Apostle (see Apostolic Succession). As a result, Rome traditionally occupies a central position in the Catholic Church, though this is not necessarily the case. The Pope received his pontiff from being the Bishop of Rome but was not required to live there; according to the Latin formula of Papa yam, ibi Curia , wherever the pope is located is the central government of the Church, on condition that the pope is the bishop of Rome. Thus, between 1309 and 1378, the popes lived in Avignon, France (see Avignon Papacy), a period often referred to as Babylonian captivity as a reference to the biblical narrative of the Jews of the ancient Kingdom of Judah who lived as captives in Babylon.

Although the pope is the bishop of the diocese of Rome, he delegates most of the daily work of leading the diocese to Cardinal Vicar, which guarantees direct episcopal oversight of the diocesan pastoral needs, not in his own name but in the pope's sense. Cardinal Vicar is currently Agostino Vallini, who was appointed to office in June 2008.

Political role

Although the progressive Christianization of the Roman Empire in the fourth century did not grant civil authority to the bishop within the state, the gradual withdrawal of imperial authority during the fifth century left the pope of senior imperial civil officials in Rome, as the bishop increasingly directed civilian affairs in other cities in the Western Empire. This status as a secular and civil ruler is prominently displayed by Pope Leo I's confrontation with Attila in 452. The first expansion of the papal government outside Rome came in 728 with the Donation of Sutri, which in turn increased substantially in 754, when the Ruler of Frank Pippin the Younger gave the land whales from his conquest of Lombardy. The Pope may have used Constantine's forged contribution to acquire this land, which forms the core of the Papal States. This document, accepted as original until the fifteenth century, states that Constantine the Great placed the entire Western Roman Empire under papal rule. In the year 800, Pope Leo III crowned the ruler of Frank Charlemagne as the Roman Emperor, a major step toward the foundation which came to be known as the Holy Roman Empire; from that date onwards the pope claimed the prerogative to crown the Emperor, although that right became unused after the coronation of Charles V in 1530. Pope Pius VII was present at the coronation of Napoleon I in 1804 but did not actually perform the coronation. As mentioned above, the papal sovereignty over the Papal States ended in 1870 with their annexation by Italy.

Popes such as Alexander VI, an ambitious and spectacular politician, and Pope Julius II, a formidable general and statesman, were not afraid of using power to achieve their own goals, including increasing the power of the papacy. This political and temporal authority was demonstrated through the papal role in the Holy Roman Empire (especially prominent during the period of opposition with the Emperors, as during the Pontificates of Pope Gregory VII and Pope Alexander III). Whales, restrictions, and excommunications (or threats) have been used many times to increase the power of whales. The Bull Laudabiliter in 1155 which was authorized Henry II of England to invade Ireland. In 1207, Innocent III placed England under penalty until King John made his kingdom into the territory of the Pope, complete with annual honors, saying, "We offer and freely produce... to our master Pope Innocent III and his Catholic successor, the whole of the United Kingdom and the whole of the Irish kingdom with all its right and power to forgive us for our sins. " The Bull Inter caetera in 1493 led to the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494, which divided the world into Spanish and Portuguese territory. The Bull Regnans in Excelsis in 1570 isolated Elizabeth I from England and declared that all her subjects were freed from all allegiance to her. The Bull, Inter gravissimas , in 1582 founded the Gregorian calendar.

International position

Under international law, a servant head of state has sovereign immunity from the jurisdiction of other courts, though not from an international tribunal. This immunity is sometimes freely referred to as "diplomatic immunity", which, strictly speaking, the immunity enjoyed by diplomatic representatives of the head of state.

International law treats the Holy See, which is basically the central government of the Catholic Church, as a country's juridical state. This is different from the state of the Vatican City, which existed for centuries before the last foundation. (It is common for publications and news media to use the "Vatican", "Vatican City", and even "Rome" as a metonym for the Holy See.) Most countries of the world maintain the same form of diplomatic relations with the Holy See. that they entertain with other countries. Even those countries without diplomatic relations participate in international organizations where the Holy See is a full member.

It is as head of religious jurisdiction around the world in the Holy See (not from the Vatican City region) that the US Department of Justice decides that the pope enjoys the immunity of the head of state. This head-of-state immunity, recognized by the United States, should be distinguished from that envisioned under the US Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976, which, while recognizing the basic immunity of foreign governments from being sued in American courts, laid down nine exceptions, commercial and actions in the United States by agents or employees of foreign governments. In relation to the latter, in November 2008, the US Court of Appeals in Cincinnati ruled that cases of sexual abuse by Catholic priests could continue, provided that plaintiffs could prove that bishops accused of negligent oversight acted as employees. or agents of the Holy See and following the official Holy See policy.

In April 2010, there was a press coverage in the UK about a plan proposed by atheist activists and a prominent lawyer to have Pope Benedict XVI arrested and prosecuted in Britain for alleged violations, originating from decades earlier, for failing to take appropriate action on Catholicism. cases of sexual harassment and of his immune disputes from prosecution in the country. This is generally rejected as "unrealistic and false". Another lawyer said that it was "an embarrassing matter that a senior British lawyer would want to let himself be associated with such silly ideas".

Pope Benedict XVI - A Controversial Speech - Biography
src: www.biography.com

Objection of the papacy

The pope's claim to authority is either disputed or not acknowledged by other churches. The reason for this objection differs from denomination to denomination.

The Orthodox, Anglican, and Old Catholic Churches

Other traditional Christian churches (Eastern Assyrian Church, Oriental Orthodox Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Old Catholic Church, Anglican Communion, Independent Catholic Church etc.) Accept the doctrine of Apostolic succession and, on various levels, the pope's claim to honor, the pope as a substitute for Peter in another sense apart from other bishops. Virtue is regarded as a consequence of the position of the pope as a bishop of the original capital of the Roman Empire, a definition explicitly described in the 28th canon of the Council of Chalcedon. These churches see no basis for the pope's claim of universal direct jurisdiction, or claims of papal infallibility. Some of these churches refer to claims such as .

Protestant denominations

Protestant Christian groups reject the claims of superiority of Petrine, the primacy of Petrine's jurisdiction, and the infallibility of the pope. These denominations vary from simply not accepting the pope's claim to authority as valid and valid, to believe that the pope is the Antichrist of 1 John 2:18, the Sin Man of 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-12, and the Beast of the Earth from

Source of the article : Wikipedia
