Selasa, 19 Juni 2018

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Madrid , officially Municipal Madrid , is a municipality located in the province of Surigao del Sur, Philippines. According to the 2015 census, it has a population of 15,223 people.

Madrid is named after the Spanish capital, Madrid. It has 14 barangay and two consist of Poblacion: Linibunan and Quirino.

Video Madrid, Surigao del Sur


The municipality of Madrid is located in the northern part of the province, in a cluster known as the CarCanMadCarLan area. It is bordered on the east by the Pacific Ocean, Diwata Mountain to the west, Cantilan municipality in the north and Lanuza in the South. The distance is about 56 kilometers (35 mi) from Tandag capital, central government of Surigao del Sur province, and 130 kilometers (81 mi) from Surigao city. Madrid is a narrow land along the coast of Surigao del Sur with an area of ​​14,122 hectares (34,900 hectares), representing 3.17 percent of the total land area of ​​445,216 hectares of provinces.

Type of ground

Madrid has four types of land types. Of the total land area, unspoiled mountain land consists of 9,413 hectares or 66.65 percent; San Manuel silt loam with 4,617 hectares or 32.69 percent; Matho loam has an area of ​​62 hectares and 30 hectares of Kabatohan clay.


Approximately 5,210 hectares or 36.89 percent of the total land area are classified below 0-3% slope; 406 hectares or 2.87 percent below the 3-5% slopes; 1,009 hectares or 7.15 percent under 5-8% slope; 1,283 hectares or 9.09 percent below 8-15% of slopes and 6,214 hectares or 44.00 percent below 15% - above the slope classification.


Madrid is politically divided into 14 barangay.


Madrid, like the whole island of Mindanao is considered to have a tropical climate, with average monthly rainfall of 308.66 mm (12.5 inches). The city is classified as under the classification of climate type II. However, the wettest season falls between November and March. The dry season starts between April and September with a short afternoon rain and a lightning storm called sobasco.

Maps Madrid, Surigao del Sur


The beginning of Madrid's history is described as one of the hallmarks of community development on the banks of the river, it is now called Carac-an and is said to have abundant fish, shrimp, and other creatures, served as a reliable source of food for the early inhabitants. The river flows on the southern border of the municipality and now the main source of irrigation water supplies all irrigable land from Madrid and the cantonal municipality of Cantilan.

The original name of Madrid is Visayan's "Linibunan" which describes a place covered by sedimentary soils that have been transported with natural forces. Linibunan came to be settled with more people when the Carac-an River gradually changed its course.

The thriving community of Linibunan has been the object of attention of Cantilan Town which is part of territorial jurisdiction. After admitting Linibunan to achieve the barrio qualification, the Cantinan Township Government, gave his creation as a barrio in 1911.

Religion, especially Roman Catholicism, has dominated the spiritual life of people from scratch and gifts. The Catholic faith has been preserved for many years under the administration of a missionary center, established in 1951. There is no recorded hurdle in the spread and preservation of the Catholic faith for the fact that most of the Visay people make up most of the inhabitants of the Catholic community.

On June 13, 1913, the missionary authority at Cantilan created a parish in Linibunan and commissioned a parish priest named Fr. Garcia. Father Garcia contributed significantly to the making of the history of the municipality of Madrid, as he was responsible for changing the name of Linibunan to Madrid, after the Spanish capital. Since that time, the church documents contained the name of Parish Madrid and gradually the name of Linibunan became extinct. The name of Madrid is officially recognized as the name of the new Cantilan Township as manifested in Executive Order no. 561, dated 2 February 1953.

The municipality of Madrid was once part of Cantilan. It only declared the Municipality on February 2, 1953. Madrid is blessed to have the Carac River. The river serves as the main source of sand and gravel throughout the CarCanMadCarLan area, as well as its catchment area. Carac-an River will soon become a major source of strength through proposed development for miniature hydroelectric power. It is also a popular site for camping, and provincial jamborees are often held here. One of the longest bridges in Mindanao is also located here.

Christianity first came to this part of Mindanao when, in 1598, a Portuguese ship under Captain Francisco de Castro accidentally drifted to the eastern coast of Mindanao, part of the third district known as Caraga District which includes the present Surigao del Sur province, Surigao del Norte, Agusan Province and parts of Davao. Aboard the ship were two Jesuit missionaries, Father. Valerio Ledesma, S.J., and Manuel Marino, a lay brother, who preached the gospel and baptized the inhabitants. However, it was only in 1596 that the first generation of Jesuit missionaries placed themselves permanently in Butuan, in the town of Buenavista, and from there, they set up mission stations in nearby areas. They were followed by Recollects and later by Benedictine.

The first Christian center in this part of Mindanao was the Tandag, founded in 1622; Siargao in 1623; Bislig at 1624; Surigao in 1754 and at Cantilan in 1851.

When Cantilan was founded as the first center of missionary activity in 1851, Madrid was just a small isolated sitio in Cantilan with several homes scattered. Small groups of residents in the area continue to clear the land and plant it with various crops, especially rice. As a result of their hard work and difficulty, the land becomes habitable. Soil fertility and river closeness began to attract people from nearby places. Years later, they regrouped and declared independence from Cantilan municipality.

Leading pioneers in the region are Rufino Urbiztondo, Cosme Frias, Andres Roy, Jorge Arpilleda, Antonio Malayao, Antonio Taguines, Geronimo Rubi, Isidro Uriarte, Enrique Guillen, Pedro Uriarte, Tomas Frias, Andres Arnan, Mariano Cuartero, and others. Settlement continues to attract people; the constant arrival of immigrants and marriages between populations increased the population until finally, local leaders found it to turn the sitio into a barrio. Under the leadership of Rufino Urbiztondo, Linibunan, as a known place, became a Cantina barrio with him as the first Teniente del Barrio. Linibunan means "lowland covered by water". Digging around the place will prove the fact that the soil layers in the area are deposited by floods during the rainy season.

The early inhabitants of the place were religious people. Most of them are Cantilan-based Christian and missionaries who visit the barrio occasionally to meet their religious needs. In 1901, people thought to Christianize their barrio names. Fr. Paulino Garcia, who was then a Cantine parish priest and a citizen of Spain by nationality, suggested that the barrio would be named Madrid in memory of the Spanish capital. People accepted the suggestion and from then on Linibunan was changed to Madrid.

For a decade, progress seemed slow, but then immigrants from another neighboring island came, especially from Bohol, looking for good fortune in the famous Promised Land. A number of Chinese come and engage in business and commerce with indigenous people. Due to its favorable geographical location, Madrid became a trade and trade center in the area. With the rapid growth of trade and trade, the population also increased. Business firms explode and people start making permanent residences in the city. Then the local leaders became aware that Madrid could now qualify as a municipality. Led by Teniente del Barrio Sotero Irrizari, the Barrio Council and other Civil Leaders passed a resolution asking the President of the Philippines to appoint Madrid into the municipality. With the help of the Provincial Council, the cherished dreams of the Madrid people came true when President Elpedio Quirino issued Executive Order No. 561 made Madrid one of the municipalities of Surigao del Sur on February 2, 1953. The municipality was inaugurated on 4 July 1953 amid a great splendor.

It is also possible to mention that when Madrid became a municipality on 2 February 1953 based on Executive Order 561, there was some controversy over who would be the first mayor. However, a long and protracted legal battle, the court resolved the controversy and declared Guillermo Arpilleda as the first mayor of Madrid.

Madrid today has a total of fourteen (14) barangay and a population of about 14,500 people. Classified as a 5th class municipality, this is the commercial center of the CarCanMadCarLan area.

Surigao del Sur - Wikipedia


Population trends

The charming city of Madrid was once the barrio of Cantilan. It was made into a municipality on February 2, 1953 based on Executive Order No. 561. At the beginning of the 1950s settlements were so excited for such reasons as being separated from Cantilan. The data show that at the 1960 census, the city posted 8198 people. The population grew at an average growth rate of 3.038 percent, and the 1970 census recorded a total of 11,059 people. A sudden population decline, with the 1975 census counting 10,627 people, the lowest among the recorded censuses. The population decline was caused by a rebellion in hinterland goods in Madrid. Peace and order were mildly stable in the 1980s, resulting in a population increase at a growth rate of 3.329 percent. The 1980s was a very productive decade in which agricultural activity, and thus the population increased. When the younger generation goes looking for better academic pursuits, the average growth rate has reached 0.023 percent, and the population growth model predicts an average of 15 people added annually to the total city population.

Age and gender structure

More than 53 percent of the total municipal population falls within the 15 to 64 age group and more than 40 percent of the total population is between 1 and 14 years old, with only about 5 percent of the population aged over 65 years. According to the 1995 census, there were 97 men for every 100 women.

Marital status

More than 72 percent of the total city population includes age groups over 10 years or can be expressed numerically as 9,456 people. More than 53 percent of households over 10 years of age are legally married. It can be noted that there are more women officially married than male population of 51 percent. Married populations are concentrated between the 25- to 34-year-olds and this suggests higher fertility and expected population growth. On the other hand, a single individual consists of 41 percent of the total population. For 3880 single individuals, men dominate this status than women. The single population group is concentrated among the 10 to 19 age group and slowly declines for the next 20 years. More than 6 percent of the population remaining over the age of 10 years are widows, separated/divorced, general law/stay-in and others.


There are four main dialects spoken in the city. More than 97 percent of the total household population speaks of Surigaonon. More than 1.8 percent speak Manobo.


The city is dominated by Roman Catholics by more than 87 percent. There are other religious sects present in the area such as Aglipayans, Iglesia ni Cristo, UCCP, Islam and other Protestant groups.

Labor force

Around 8,434 people considered to be productive residents are over 15 years old, more than 63 per cent are in the labor force. More than 92 percent of the household population in the workforce is employed and about 8 percent are considered unemployed. The remaining 36 percent of the total household population perceived as productive individuals is not in the labor force.

Carmen - Lanuza, Surigao del Sur |


Madrid was not identified as a major tourist destination of Surigao del Sur province due to lack of attractions, facilities and facilities. Tourism-related activities have never been developed or given as a top priority project due to strong competition from neighboring cities. Although the contribution of the tourism industry is limited to the local economy, the city has different scenic spots awaiting development, as follows:

  • Bayogo Cave;
  • Panlangagan Cave;
  • Panlangagan Heights and NIA Dam;
  • A wild and exotic beach overlooks the majestic Pacific Ocean at Brgy. Union Daan;
  • The man-made attraction, the Carac's bridge (the second longest bridge in Mindanao along 510 meters) serves as a landmark before entering the municipality;
  • Bayogo Irrigation Dam, which functions as the life blood for agriculture;
  • Ancestral houses and ruins of antique houses that have great historical significance in Daan Union;
  • The Carac River, one of the cleanest rivers in Mindanao;
  • Daan Union Fish Cage and Pen;
  • Lib-og Beach Resort in Daan Union.

All the attractions mentioned above do not have acceptable facilities and utilities except for some of the original cottages available on the beach. Most of the identified tourist attractions lack accessibility. Transportation and mobility are one of the main issues preventing visits from local and foreign visitors.

Church(Madrid, Surigao del Sur |


There are 2 levels of education that are present in Madrid namely, the level of primary and secondary education only. Colleges or colleges can be disbursed at Cantilan but most local students prefer to study in Cebu or neighboring provinces.

There are 12 complete elementary schools and 1 elementary school in Madrid located in every barangay city. Each school varies from one to another in terms of facilities and extensive school sites. Patong-Patong Primary School has the largest area of ​​over 1.7 hectares while SD Magsaysay has less than half a hectare in the area. Madrid Central Elementary School has the most school facilities including shops, libraries, administration offices, clinics, leisure rooms, playground and science room, while other elementary schools have 2 to 3 facilities available.

Highest value finished

More than 95 percent of the household population over 10 years of age literate and illiterate prevalence in the city is almost 5 percent. For a total of 11,023 residents over 5 years of age, it was noted that 2.8 percent of the population did not have completed levels. Another 1.9 percent have completed pre-school and more than 56 percent complete basic education. There are 25 percent of the population who have secondary school education and only 48 percent of those completing their secondary education. There are 218 people who have secondary education and only 6 percent are still below the standard. There are 763 individuals who are college graduates while 494 are academic degree holders and only about 16 people graduate from Baccalaureate as the highest class.

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There are 327 registered births in Madrid for 2000 that place the Crude Birth Rate (CBR) at 23 per 1,000 population. Using the current population of 14,066 deaths or deaths reported during that year was 90.40 of which were women and 50 men and 8 of these were infants. No maternal deaths were reported. The CDR (Crude Death Rate) for this year is 6 per 1,000 residents. The main causes of death are Pneumonia, Vascular Disease Hypertension, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Cancer and Accidents. The main causes of morbidity for also include Pneumonia, Bronchitis, PTB, Hypertension and Diarrhea.

Health worker

There are 9 personnel serving in the City Health Office, 1 Doctor (City Health Officer), 1 Public Health Nurse, 1 Medical Technician, 4 Midwives and 2 Cleaning Inspectors. The City Health Office is supported by the presence of the Madrid District Hospital located in poblacion, which serves as its core referral hospital. Nutrition - Madrid had a very high incidence of malnutrition in 2000 with a prevalence rate of 6.6. Of the 2,665 preschoolers weighed, 20 were very thin, 156 were underweight and 917 were underweight.

Surigao City - Wikipedia

Waste management

Waste disposal methods in the area vary from one barangay to another. The most common are burning, burial and composting. Ninety percent (90) of 2,862 households have sanitary toilets that are 6.6 percent unhealthy and 3.4 percent without toilets. Eighty-one percent (81%) have access to safe water supplies while 18.7 percent have dubious sources.

Umangon Island Marihatag Surigao del Sur Philippines t


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External links

  • Standard Philippine Geographic Code
  • Census Information Philippines
  • Local Government Performance Management System
  • eCarCanMadCarLan Portal

Source of the article : Wikipedia
